Khan Academy a Free Tool

What if you could get help with school work or prep to take the SAT from home?

Sounds pretty good right? Well you can if you use Khan Academy and their set of online tools that help educate students in many different areas.

So, what is the Khan Academy?

Salman Khan looked to help one of his cousins in mathematics in 2008 over the internet. As other family members learned of what Khan was doing, they also began to use his tutoring service. After receiving many positive responses, Khan quit his job to focus on growing Khan Academy.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Khan Academy saw Google donate $2 million for creating new courses and translating them into other languages in 2010. Others followed with donations allowing the program to grow.
While there are many areas of learning, many looking to play athletics at the college level should look at Khan Academy for official SAT prep.

In 2016 Khan Academy partnered with the College Board to create a free SAT prep program that reports students who study 20 hours on Khan Academy are associated with a 115-point average score increase.

While there have been some criticisms, overall, we’ve found Khan Academy a great tool to help prospects score higher on the SAT.

Khan Academy also has apps for IOS on the iTunes App Store and on Google Play.

The site is completely free to use and there are no contracts, ads or spam.

Khan Academy