Dave Berk has been involved in the football recruiting process since the late '90s.
Dave Berk has been involved in the football recruiting process since the late '90s.
Dave Berk has held many seminars on the football recruiting process and been a guest on many radio and television shows over the years.
The recruiting process was more complex than I initially thought. It left me worried I could not get my son recognized by coaches. Therefore, it led me to pay for a couple of well known national recruiting services. All too often, individuals and companies promise services they say will help get you recognized and recruited. Personally, such services provided no aid in helping my son achieve his goals. After I paid for these so-called recruiting services, I met Dave Berk.
My wife and I went through the recruiting process with our older daughter and never really seemed to get the traction we thought we would. We went to camps and played every weekend with her travel team spending thousands of dollars. Once our son (Dayton) decided he wanted to play college football we knew we would have to try a different route.
Paul Jostworth talks about working with Dave Berk during his son's recruiting process.